Law of Reciprocity

Sometimes we live in such a state of lack that we hold onto things with a firm grip.

Sometimes we believe there is not enough so we grab everything we can.

I received a picture of money just now falling from the sky, and saw people fighting over the money. The people who fight over resources/possessions/money are living in a state of lack.

  • Fearful it will not come again.
  • Fearful someone will take what is ‘theirs’.
  • Not understanding that we live in a Universe of unlimited abundance.
  • No judgement. I have definitely been there.

The Abundance Mindset

When one has an abundance mindset, the giving and receiving process is in balanced flow. We don’t hold onto resources, possessions or money for fear it will run out and never come again.

We spend as we need and when we feel guided to do so, knowing the Universe always gives us everything we need.

We give what we can, help others when we can and in return, others help us and give to us when they can.

This is the law of reciprocity.

If we want to be a millionaire then we are going to have to give as well as take.

Unlimited Wealth

One can’t just take, take, take and expect to feel happy because taking is reliant on having a giver to give. It is taking in a fearful mindset that there is never enough.

It is also selfish, and at our very being this is not our nature. So we dislike ourselves.

When we learn to give it not only makes us feel good, it cultivates an abundance mindset. We know more is coming. We feel rich right now. And when we feel rich right now we are opening up the door to unlimited wealth.

Money Falls From The Sky

So my vision is for money to fall from the sky, as it truly does (abundance is available to us all from Source). But instead of fighting over resources/possessions/money we take what we need, and give the rest away to those who inspire us, and to those who need it most.

For money is only currency, and we all have currency within us.

Currency is something we have, that we are here to give the world, and if we give this gift to the world, the world will give back to us, more than we can ever imagine, or need.

Look at the areas in your life that you want abundance and flow, like health, relationships or wealth.

In each of these areas do you tend to give more? Or take more?

Are you open to receiving small things from others like compliments, coffee or hand-me-downs with gratitude?

Do you tend to hoard things?

Is it time for a clean out?

What could you give away right now that you don’t need anymore, that someone else could use? (Give it away).

What currency (value) do you have or could you cultivate that you would give to the world for free if nothing was stopping you? I would love to hear your thoughts on the above! Leave me a comment below.