Divine Timing: Your Journey is to go with the Flow

Go with the flow.

There is current and flow in rivers.

There are tides and currents in oceans.

Just like when you get stuck in a rip you need to ride it, in life you need to go with the flow. In fact pushing against the flow, the current of life, is dangerous. It is exhausting both physically and mentally. I found this out the hard way recently.

I was so focused on the destination I couldn’t appreciate the journey at all.

I got lost in the hype of success, the (false) beliefs that you have to work really hard to be successful, and my children suffered the most.

I was present but without presence.

I scheduled my time so I was always busy. I resented doing the mum things I had to do. And when I was with my kids my thoughts were elsewhere. Then I felt guilty for not being the mum I was born to be.

So how did you become successful and a stay at home parent?

Or how do you balance work and pleasure?

Give up the fight.

Give up the need to be at the destination RIGHT NOW and go with the flow.

Stop trying to swim upstream.

Start floating downstream and enjoy the ride. Work and pleasure starts to blend and you just enjoy the process.

And you know what?

Since I’ve stopped trying to fast forward the journey, the journey is going faster than ever. And I am appreciating and loving Every. Single. Minute.

See, there is something called divine timing.

When we first understand the Law of Attraction and start asking for big things knowing we can have anything we want, we can be unrealistic about timing.

The challenges on the road are part of the journey and they are making us into the perfect being we were born to be.

So next time you are stuck in a rip, know that it is perfectly the right situation for you right now. You are meant to be here.

If you flow, you will grow and achieve great things.

Is there anywhere in your life you are focused more on the destination than the journey?

  • Is there anywhere you feel like you are stuck in a rip?
  • How could you be more accepting of the situation?
  • What is the gift in the rip?
  • Are you ready and willing to swim out sideways?
  • How could you be more grateful and notice the beauty of right now?

How will you feel when you reach your destination? Tip: You need to feel that way now! Leave me a comment. I’d love to hear your thoughts.