I am a spiritual lightworker and entrepreneur. This version of me lay in wait for my awakening, like sleeping beauty, waiting for the loving kiss of source energy whispering in my ear, ‘it is time my dear’. I grew up with a spiritual mum and a Christian dad. My mum suffered trauma as a child at the hands of religious faith and I think this is what sparked her own spiritual crisis and emergence as the hypocrisy of religion left a hole in her heart when her child was ripped from her arms. Shamed, and a disgrace to the family for falling pregnant out of wedlock, she was sent from the country to the city to birth and give up her first child, made to pretend it never happened; I cannot even imagine the suffering and trauma she endured.
I love my mum so much. She is the most amazing, kind, giving, beautiful soul and I am so grateful I chose her to be my mum.
I grew up in a single parent home. We didn’t have a lot in terms of material possessions, in fact I always envied my friends growing up whose parents showered them with ‘things’. I later realized I was given something much more valuable: unconditional love and unwavering belief instilled in me, the belief that I could achieve anything. Thus, the spiritual and entrepreneurial growth mindset was instilled in me by my mum, and I am forever grateful to her for that. For many years I wanted my mum to be ‘normal’ – I was aware that she was an energy worker, healer and could see/sense spirit – and I longed for the ‘normal’ family that I watched on television and saw in my extended family. Even though I appeared confident and was academic as a child, a knowingness of my differentness was apparent and inside I really lacked confidence.
You can read my mythical story about me, and how I got swept up in the cultural paradigm ‘longing to be a princess with crowns and gowns’.
Part of my awakening was the realization that these superficial things are not who I am, they are not what I long for… what I long for is a tribe who I can be fully and authentically myself with. People who want to connect with the divine through reiki, tarot and oracle cards, people who want to do full moon ceremonies, people who believe in the power of magic and Mother Earth and the connectedness of all beings. People who believe in spiritual guidance, in the things one cannot see, in the power and potential within all human beings to ascend and transcend beyond the cultural beliefs they grew up in, to find their own Truth and message, by listening within. People who long to look in the mirror find self-acceptance and love in a community that values them as they are. People who long to step into their light, their Truth and own who they are and what they came here to do.
I help my clients tap into their Truth so that they can ‘come out’ spiritually and no longer hide who they truly are and what they really believe. There is a mass awakening happening as is aligned with the Age of Aquarius, paradigms are shifting and more and more people identify as being ‘spiritual but not religious’. In Australia the 2016 census reported: “The growing percentage of Australia’s population reporting no religion has been a trend for decades, and is accelerating. Those reporting no religion increased noticeably from 19 per cent in 2006 to 30 per cent in 2016. The largest change was between 2011 (22 per cent) and 2016, when an additional 2.2 million people reported having no religion.” As more people own their story and Truth (which cannot be taken away from anyone), people will feel more comfortable stepping into their potential and power, and be able to find a global spiritual tribe with similar beliefs.
No longer do we have to hide for fear of being shunned from the tribe, no longer do we have to fear being burned at the stake for connecting with the divine, or manifesting the world we want to live in.
Don’t get me wrong I know a lot of people who have a major connection with Jesus and he is one of my many guides, especially this year as my guiding word for 2017 is love. I just believe he is an Ascendant Master, and that we have many guides available to us dependent on the culture and the cultural beliefs we grow up in. I work a lot with the elemental Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael; and have had Goddess Isis assigned to me as a guide, so I feel her presence strongly. Also, animal guides are strong and often come to me during meditation. I have had visions of being a native Canadian and indigenous Australian in past-life regressions so I do really feel, and have always felt, a strong attachment to helping these cultures retain their power and cultural beliefs.
So as a mentor/guide/coach/teacher I help my clients step onto their guided dharmic path, connect with their spirit guides and start sharing the story and message that is a part of their soul contract. I help them shift the beliefs that are limiting their potential and habituate the values and beliefs they need to move beyond the chrysalis stage, which a lot of them are stuck in (the cocoon of fear or dark night of the soul), and emerge into the beautiful and unique butterfly that they are. I help them live a life of purpose and passion but most importantly step into the habits and aligned actions that serve the impact their soul longs to have, in flow, with divine guidance. I use transpersonal tools to help my clients work with signs from the Universe, messages in dreams, hypnosis to help them connect with the guidance they need to move forwards, chakra processes to shift stagnant energy, and I help them tap into their own psychic abilities (access the hidden clairs that we ALL have) and their ability to channel (receive guidance and act in flow all day everyday – never feeling alone on the path – able to tune in and intuitively know what needs to happen next, what message needs to be said, what action needs to be taken.
Some of my client feedback has been:
“So far so good. Karen is very easy to talk to and makes me feel like I’m able to open up. Her advice hits home, and it’s just up to me to follow through” T.F.
“My experience was calming, healing and informative. This was the first coaching session I’ve ever had, and my story was received with compassion and curiosity. As I was coming from a vulnerable position, I was guided in a gentle way towards some solutions and concepts to work with my current situation and to access higher wisdom and protection. Karen was clear-eyed, ready, open-hearted and grounded.” R.D.
“Karen was so warm and extremely easy to talk to. She had humility and empathy without assumption, which made me feel more willing to be open. We were able to speak constructively together and come up with clear working action. I had an awesome shift with her that I have been trying to move for months!” L.M.
So, if you are looking to step out into the world as the individual you truly are, if you are looking to be authentic and create a business or just live a more authentic life being you, let’s chat!
Remember –
You are the divine being that makes the grass greener.
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