When I started my first business, I stopped buying lottery tickets. I realized I had to stop wishing for a better future and I had to get out there and create it, with action and effort and reflection and implementing lessons I learnt along the way.

If ‘Law of Attraction’ is about focusing on what you want and bringing it into existence, then is it reasonable to suggest that one should focus on winning the lottery?

I believe there is something about wishing for the sudden change in your circumstances that stops you from planning and taking action to make your circumstances different.

If you don’t win the lottery, you could try to ignore the constant not winning the lottery (the reality), and keep a firm focus on the belief that you WILL win if you don’t give up.

But after a while you might need to accept that everyone who buys a lottery ticket wants to win (has a desire) and maybe, just maybe, you are not meant to win at the lottery game.

Time To Take Action

Maybe you are destined for something else? And failing to win is your sign to keep your eyes and mind open.

As soon as you create space for acceptance and ask yourself – well what am I going to do next? You start the wheel of the Law of Attraction in motion.

For example – you were buying lottery tickets because you wanted more money.

You asked for more money and took action (bought a lottery ticket) and by not trying to control how the more money will come (winning the lottery ticket), you will be open to the guidance and signs that will come.

If you Trust that not winning the lottery also happened for a reason, to help you open up to other ways of receiving money, then those other ways will show themselves to you.

The Law of Attraction is Action

It is Asking. It is being open minded to Receiving in ways you may not have perceived. It is Trusting when not Receiving. It all happens for a reason and before long, you will understand that too.

You can feel abundance right now and this will help you enjoy the ride, the journey and the destination.

What about you? Are you wishing for a magic solution to your current situation or are you asking and on the road to creating your ideal life?

Are you seeing the signs along the road? Are you trusting the red lights along the way are happening for a reason? Is the destination a feeling that you can arrive at now? Leave me a comment. I’d love to hear from you!