The 21st Century has seen the rise of coaching as a legitimate way to move forward in your life.

So what is coaching?

Coaching is teaching, mentoring, guiding, unconditional love, assistance, passing on knowledge and much more.

Once upon a time we were all teachers, coaches, elders.

But as a society we lost that connection with offering guidance to younger generations and gave this responsibility to certain people (e.g. paid teachers) or organisations (e.g. religions).

The problems came with the mass media. All of a sudden we had less-than-the-best role models in our houses.

Sometimes our family may be the role models we are looking for, but oftentimes they are not.

Coaching makes us think about the type of person we want to become, and allows us access to those people.

Certain cultures may have access to elders, but most do not.

Indigenous cultures certainly had that going right for them. The elders would guide the younger generation into adulthood, which was full of values, respect, tradition and culture.

As families became smaller and we didn’t have access to a wide variety of aunts and uncles, we relied upon the tv families to tell us what was ‘normal’.

I certainly grew up feeling like I wasn’t good enough because I came from a single parent family.

The education system has failed to teach our children what they need to know to be happy. I was someone who had lost hope, felt stuck and thought ‘is this it?’

I was a qualified teacher who didn’t want to be a teacher – the school curriculum is not what I wanted to teach.

I wanted to really help families and through circumstances I found myself helping them with health.

Then this progressed into mindset and I saw amazing transformations in my clients self-worth and happiness.

To teach mindset, I needed to go on the personal development journey myself. On that journey I found myself, my true authentic self who had been hiding parts of who she really was, for many years.

So coaches have been through personal transformations and they want to take you on this journey to freedom too. They want you to have access to the only education you will really ever need.

I believe you were born for a reason.

You have had the experiences only you have had for a reason. You are a spiritual being having a human experience and you are here for a purpose. You are here to achieve your souls goal. And I am here to help you do this.

Love and Light.

Karen Leverenz xo